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Posts Tagged ‘business development

Wondering how to utilize the services of a virtual assistant? Consider outsourcing your internet research needs to virtual assistant.

Internet Research  – Find a Better Webinar Provider

A virtual assistant (VA) can do a thorough research of the each web conferencing provider by using advanced in the Google search engine techniques.  Your VA will also contact each prospective by phone asking questions related to standard criteria you’ve created with your VA. You may ask, “Why call them when they have a website?” The importance of calling each prospective webinar provider is to see if you negotiate a discount for those services or ask about any promotions they offer. This can save your company lots of money.

Your VA will gladly compile a spreadsheet, neatly listing results for each company researched ranging from “best fit” to “close fit”.

About the Author: Priscilla Walker is the president and CEO of Your Dependable VA, Inc., a virtual assistance company. Your Dependable VA provides professional administrative and social media marketing assistance to small businesses. We offer business support so that business owners can free up their time and energy to focus on running their company without getting burned out.

Find Your Dependable VA on Twitter @YDVA and Facebook Fan Us!

Increasing your website’s SEO can be a tedious and daunting task. For many business owners this is a task that # 1 on the list of things to be delegated. For those who have budgeted for an SEO expert, hire that person as soon as you can; your website will thank you. However, when you’re working with a tight budget, you may choose to wait. Why wait? Why not work towards that goal now and best of all it’s free!

One way is to register your site with major search engines such as Google, Yahoo, etc. You may be wondering, “How do I do this?” No worries! See below for a direct link to my top four search engine websites.

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I network and work with a lot of small business owners and I’ve found that many of them have never heard of my line of work, virtual assistance. My company provides professional administrative assistance to small businesses, so that the business owner can focus solely on running their business.

Every successful business owner understands that in order sustain growth and avoid burnout, office tasks must be delegated. By sharing this information with others, business owners will be able to have a more successful, effective, and efficient business. Here are some frequently asked questions about virtual assistants that may be helpful for you.

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I know it’s been a while…here it is…Part 2…enjoy.

Target YOUR Audience

Narrowing your focus to highly qualified potential clients can be one of the efficient ways to bootstrap your business. Rather than attending 100 business networking events every month, reduce your attendance to 2 networking events that produces the most highly qualified prospects. Follow up with them via phone, email, and ask for an informal meeting.

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Due to the overwhelming response and inquiry for a virtual assistant at my webinar last time, I’ve decided to conduct another Q&A session on Tuesday, January 5th, 2010 1pm -2pm EST. Here are some of the things that I will be covering:

1. What is a Virtual Assistant (VA)?

2. Various business support services that a VA offers.

3. Most importantly, how a VA can help YOU grow YOUR business!

Start 2010 off right by being more organized and energized to concentrate solely on your business! 

Simply send an email to with the heading “Webinar”

Seats are filling up…..register now!

Lately, I’ve been asked (several times), “How can I grow my business in these hard financial times?” My answer is, desperate times cause for desperate measures. As a business owner, learning new things and growing is almost a daily experience. In order to survive these economic times, you must find smart, efficient ways in marketing your company to potential clients. Here some quick ways to boost your earning potential and positive exposure to the world.

Conduct Press Opportunity Research

You may remember my blog, “Press Opps & Building Your Brand!” In this blog, I spoke of the benefits of press opps. Press opps can provide an opportunity unlike any other. This opportunity can get your business featured in a popular business magazine, talk radio show, television show, and more! For more information see A great resource for press opps is HARO, The sign up is free and easy! You can download a free copy of a press release template here on my Wordpress site.   Read the rest of this entry »

This is one of the most daunting tasks a lot of business owners’ face on a daily basis. Here are some quick ways to manage your emails.

If you are inundated with emails from various online groups, adjust the settings so that you can receive one daily or weekly email.

Create individual folders for each client. This will hold all important correspondences and other information.

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Some business owners don’t understand the benefits to having a press opportunity. No worries, that was me three weeks ago! Press opportunities aka press opps allows you to gain exposure for your company and/or personal brand. Taking advantage of these opportunities can help your company grow exponentially.  For example, The Inc. Magazine is looking to feature a small IT company in the Northeast Region of the U.S. that has survived the recession. Can’t you see yourself being featured in major business magazine?

When submitting an interest in a press opp remember, these are deadline driven. Press opps are usually comprised of 10 main components:


  1. Summary of the Press Opp
  2. Name of the reporter
  3. Category of press opp (i.e. Business & Finance)
  4. Email address of reporter
  5. Title of the press opp (Sometimes the same as the Summary)
  6. Media Outlet (i.e. The Inc. Magazine)
  7. Specific Geographic Region
  8. Region (i.e. Usually the same as Specific Geographic Region)
  9. Deadline (i.e. 12:10pm – October 14)
  10. Query  – describes specifically what the reporter is looking for


About the Author: Priscilla Walker is the president and CEO of Your Dependable VA, Inc., a cost effective virtual assistance company. We help small businesses grow by providing premium professional administrative and social media marketing assistance.

Let us help you take your business to the next level!

For more information, please go to and/or contact us at

“Have a More Productive Day with Your Dependable VA!”™

Calling all Small Business Owners, Execs, and CEOs! Join me for a FREE 1 hour Q&A session this Thursday, October 8th, 1-2pm EST, promptly. There, you’ll be able to ask me anything about Virtual Assistants. Here are some of the things that I will be covering:

1. What is a Virtual Assistant (VA)?
2. Various business support services that a VA offers.
3. Most importantly, how a VA can help YOU grow YOUR business!

For more information, go to:

I look forward to answering any questions that you may have!

Priscilla Walker, CEO, Your Dependable VA, Inc.

For Most, Change Can Be Difficult

You will find with some clients, they are not comfortable with change. The routine that you may find convenient and efficient could be confusing for your client. Make the best of the situation by clearly explaining to your client exactly what you need from them. Be clear in expressing the what, how, why, and where. It would be best to inform your client how this could benefit him or her.

Think Positive (I know, you hear it all the time.)

Sometimes when working with others in business we find ourselves subconsciously focusing on the differences, instead of commonality. Next time when you and another business owner encounter this problem, make your focal point the reason why you’re both working together. You can say something like, “My reason for working with you is to assist you in taking your company to the next level. I want to see your business succeed.”

About the Author: Priscilla Walker is the president and CEO of Your Dependable VA, Inc., a cost effective virtual assistance company. We help small businesses grow by providing premium professional administrative and social media marketing assistance.

Let us help you take your business to the next level!

For more information, please go to and/or contact us at

“Have a More Productive Day with Your Dependable VA!”™